Manama Training Center receives National service recruits, the 15th batch

 On February 14, 2021, the Armed Forces Training Center in Manama received the nation’s youth from the 15th batch of the National Constitutive Service “third group” for employees, in the midst of preventive and precautionary measures to ensure their safety, and to take all measures to provide maximum protection for all national service recruits in order to protect them from the pandemic, under the supervision of Zayed Military Hospital.

Those enrolled in the National Service flocked to the Manama Center in large numbers, and they were registered in the course and all those enrolled were handed over the requirements of the recruits in terms of clothes and other nessary accessories. 

The reception phases were proceeding in an excellent manner of control and commitment, starting from the stage of reception and registration through all stages of training, and this is one of the basics of training so that the national service recruit is physically and psychologically able to withstand the maximum physical, mental and psychological pressures without losing his ability to apply his skills and qualify him for the future as a reserve soldier who is able to protect his homeland.

The national service program in the first phase focuses on converting recruits from a civilian to a military, through military training, carrying and using weapons, accustoming them to military discipline a, enhancing their level of physical fitness, consolidating their national values ​​, and refining and developing their leadership skills, to start after that preparing and qualifying the volunteer recruits in the international event “Expo 2020 Dubai” through a set of training courses to ensure that they fulfill the roles and carry out the tasks assigned to them to the fullest, and in a professional way.

Holding this special course comes within the framework of keeping pace with the UAE’s strategy towards empowering national cadres and providing them with specialized and professional skills, and within the partnership and cooperation relations between the Expo 2020 Office and the General Authority for National and Reserve Service in the Armed Forces, where the recruits began their preparations within an organized training program plan that continues until the start of the Expo 2020, which the country will host next October.

The National Service Volunteer Program in Expo 2020 aims to provide volunteers with unprecedented practical experience through contact with the best experiences at the global level, highlighting the national and reserve service employees and their competence and giving them the opportunity to participate in the largest international event in the world, in addition to benefiting from the experiences gained by members of the national and reserve service and harnessing them to support their country in this important event through the various tasks within the volunteer program.

Many of the youth affiliates expressed their happiness and pride in starting their national service and said that they are waiting for this moment to enter the training centers, believing that the duty they will be honored to perform, in its practical form, has come by entering the training camp, hoping that they will pass that stage with honor, pride and dignity, as is the case in military service.

They indicated that they are very eager to enter the recruitment centers and that they have been keen for some time to be ready to pass this course, and they always motivate the youth to do so because it is an honor for all the people of the nation to participate in this national “wedding” by joining the national service .. and they expressed their happiness and pride in starting their national service, part of which was dedicated to qualifying and preparing them to join the “Expo 2020”.

Recruit Muhammad Al-Kutbi said that he is fully prepared to perform national service and return the favor to his homeland, expressing his happiness by going through this experience, pointing out that performing national service is an opportunity to develop his combat skills and refine his practical experiences, as well as its importance in promoting feelings of love and loyalty to his country, and instilling values ​​of bearing responsibility and discipline among young people, stressing that performing national service is a great honor for him.

Recruit Abdulaziz Muhammad said that his enrollment in the ranks of the national service is something that makes him feel proud and instills in him a sense of the importance of national work.

Zayed Al Zaabi expressed his feeling of pride in joining the national service, explaining that the UAE, under the wise leadership, has provided a lot to citizens in terms of education, health, housing, providing decent living, and even achieving the well-being and happiness of the citizen.

Sultan Al-Sawai expressed his joy at registering for the national service to perform the duty of the homeland, and stressed that he is ready to be in the front lines, and that his presence in the camp at an early date confirms the extent of his enthusiasm in fulfilling the national duty, which is the least duty he does for the sake of the homeland.

Al Jundi

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