Britain Unveils Armoured Mortar System

The UK has introduced an innovative armoured mortar system, the Patria NEMO 120mm, designed to enhance battlefield effectiveness with a suite of advanced features:

– High Rate of Fire: Capable of firing up to 10 rounds per minute, the NEMO provides rapid, sustained firepower.

On-the-Move Firing Capability: This feature significantly reduces vulnerability to counter-battery fire, enhancing operational flexibility.

Direct and Indirect Fire Modes: The system’s versatility allows it to be effective in a wide range of combat scenarios.

Simultaneous Multi-Round Impact: Enables concentrated strikes on enemy positions for maximum impact.

Extended Range: Provides critical support for frontline troops with enhanced reach.

Superior Protection: The armoured design offers exceptional crew safety and survivability in hostile environments.

These features make the Patria NEMO a valuable addition to modern battlefields, offering increased firepower, adaptability, and resilience.

Al Jundi

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