Abdelhafid Mordi, CEO of Thales in the UAE to « ALJUNDI » : Thales Emarat Technologies: Driving defence innovation, localisation, and sustainability for a sovereign future

As a leading force in strategic defence solutions‭, ‬Thales Emarat Technologies‭ (‬TET‭) ‬plays a pivotal role in supporting the UAE’s national sovereignty through innovation and industrial excellence‭. ‬Dedicated to advancing the country’s defence capabilities‭, ‬the company continues to push the boundaries of technology and sustainability‭.‬

To gain deeper insights into the Group’s vision and plans‭, “‬Al-Jundi‭” ‬Journal interviewed Abdelhafid Mordi‭, ‬CEO of Thales in the UAE and had the following dialogue with him‭:‬

What are TET’s plans for supporting the UAE’s defence and security goals‭, ‬and How does your leadership enhance the company’s efforts‭?‬

Thales celebrates 50‭ ‬years in the country this year‭. ‬We’ve had a long-standing presence in the UAE‭, ‬working closely with our clients on advanced technological solutions across Defence‭ ‬and Security‭, ‬Aerospace‭, ‬Cybersecurity and Digital Identity‭. ‬Thales Emarat Technologies is a strategic defence asset that plays‭ ‬a key role in supporting the UAE’s vision for national sovereignty through trusted innovation and industrial excellence‭.‬

Since its establishment‭, ‬TET has launched key initiatives like the Radar Centre of Excellence‭, ‬Defence Services Center‭, ‬and the‭ ‬Digital Center of Excellence‭, ‬positioning it as a hub for critical systems development‭. ‬We work closely with our clients to ensure the UAE remains a global and regional leader by advancing high-tech manufacturing‭, ‬securing critical infrastructure‭, ‬and reducing reliance on foreign supply chains‭. ‬

We are fully committed to supporting the UAE’s national vision‭, ‬and this is evident in the incredible work that we have done in the country‭, ‬whether it is setting up the Centers of Excellence or partnering with MBRSC for the Emirates Airlock‭. ‬Another key priority is creating opportunities for Emirati‭ ‬talent‭, ‬aligning with the UAE’s vision for human capital development‭. ‬Today‭, ‬we have a team of 170‭ ‬skilled professionals in TET‭, ‬and we aim to double this by 2030‭. ‬

This is what the future holds‭ ‬–‭ ‬working closely with our local partners‭, ‬building sovereign capabilities and strengthening the nation’s industrial supply chain‭ ‬to build leadership in defence innovation‭.‬

How does Thales integrate advanced technologies like AI‭, ‬cybersecurity‭, ‬and space systems to address the evolving challenges of‭ ‬modern defence‭? 

Modern defence is evolving rapidly‭, ‬and the Group invests close to‭ ‬€4‭ ‬billion a year in Research‭ & ‬Development‭, ‬particularly in key innovation areas such as AI‭, ‬cybersecurity‭, ‬quantum technologies‭, ‬cloud technologies and 6G‭, ‬to stay ahead of emerging threats and enhance resilience‭. ‬

As R&D is part of our DNA‭, ‬we’re quick to integrate technologies to enhance real-time threat detection and response capabilities‭. ‬Let’s take AI as an example‭.‬‭ ‬By integrating trusted AI and data-driven solutions into defence systems‭, ‬Thales supports the strategy’s goal of achieving a digitally advanced and resilient government‭. ‬We further bolster this with systems that are cyber-secure by‭ ‬design‭. ‬This ensures seamless connectivity on the battlefield‭, ‬enabling real-time interconnectivity and enhancing decision-making across all operational domains‭.‬

How is Thales contributing to the UAE’s defence industry localisation and Emiratization goals‭? 

Localisation is at the core of Thales’s strategy in the UAE‭, ‬driven by partnerships‭, ‬technology transfer‭, ‬and talent development‭. ‬Our‭ ‬‘Go to UAE’‭ ‬initiative integrates local suppliers into our global value chain‭. ‬At the last edition of the‭ ‬‘Make it in the Emirates’‭, ‬we brought on board nine new suppliers‭, ‬boosting local production and supply chain efficiency‭. ‬We have also partnered with Katim‭ (‬EDGE Group‭) ‬to co-develop software-defined radio technologies‭. ‬The diverse range of capabilities offered by these suppliers‭ ‬will enable Thales to meet the evolving demands of the market while integrating UAE-based suppliers into its international supply chain‭.‬

Thales is also fostering the next generation of innovators and leaders through tailored education‭, ‬innovation hubs‭, ‬and embedding advanced skills that align with the nation’s vision for a future-driven society‭. ‬To boost local capabilities‭, ‬30%‭ ‬of Thales Emarat Technologies recruitments in 2030‭ ‬will be UAE Nationals‭. ‬In addition‭, ‬hundreds of indirect jobs will be created in line with the UAE 2031‭ ‬vision in the strategic fields‭ ‬of Defence‭, ‬Space‭, ‬Aerospace and Artificial Intelligence‭.‬

With sustainability becoming a critical factor in defence‭, ‬how is Thales addressing environmental considerations in its product‭ ‬development‭? 

At Thales‭, ‬environmental responsibility is central to our strategy‭. ‬Our researchers have been working on a four-pronged approach‭ ‬to make artificial intelligence more eco-responsible‭. ‬They are reducing the impact of AI during the production phase by applying eco-design principles to product development‭, ‬improving AI algorithms‭, ‬favouring data quality over quantity‭, ‬and improving electronics and implementation‮ ‬by developing electronic circuits that consume very little energy‭. ‬We are also pioneering carbon-neutral aerospace systems‭, ‬secure smart-grid solutions‭, ‬and green manufacturing certifications with UAE partners‭. ‬Additionally‭, ‬we‭ ‬are transferring expertise in hydrogen-based solutions to build sustainable energy systems‭. ‬

Interview by‭:‬‭ ‬ALJUNDI

Al Jundi

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