U.S. Coast Guard Tests Unmanned Ground Vehicle

The U.S. Coast Guard’s Research and Development Center has successfully conducted tests on the Strategic Quad-Rotor Unmanned Logistics and Reconnaissance (SQRL) vehicle, an advanced unmanned ground vehicle.

The testing aimed to assess the capability of this state-of-the-art vehicle to support future polar operations.

During comprehensive testing, the SQRL was subjected to various urban terrain scenarios and around the perimeter of the R2C2 installation.

The goal was to evaluate its performance in environments simulating the harsh conditions it will face in polar regions. These tests are crucial for ensuring the vehicle’s reliability and effectiveness in supporting reconnaissance and logistics missions in some of the world’s most demanding environments.

Insights gained from these tests will be instrumental in refining the vehicle’s design and functionalities, paving the way for its deployment in future operations.

Al Jundi

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