صالح حمد القلاب​​
وزير إعلام سابق​

This is how we were… And how we   became!!

After the victory of its revolution in 1979, Iran should not be submerged in illusions and go far in its expansionist aspirations in this region, which is an Arab region, especially after its “sectarian” penetration of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq … as well as Yemen. Those who now rule Iran, whether they are “turbaned” or generals, whose head was Qassem Soleimani,  are supposed to remember what Khomeini said after his defeat in the Eight-Year War (with Iraq), it is known that he had said:“ He may have dosed that defeat like a venom. ”

There is an old wisdom that says: “Tell me who your allies are … I tell you who you are” and the fact that Iran’s allies in this poor time are these groups and fragments that have appeared like the devilish plant in some of the countries of this region that have lost their balance and were shaken after the Khomeinist revolution, which those who bet on it are cursing that moment when the previous equations changed and were replaced by those demonic equations.

Our “generations” were waiting for a civilizational leap with the beginnings of this historical phase, similar to all those transformations that the world witnessed in most of its countries and societies, but the surprise was that sectarian “sedition” had sprouted in some of our countries like the satanic plant and that beautiful Lebanon has begot a suburb that has become a source of mortality for its citizens and Lebanon’s citizens as well. There is no longer the beautiful “Levant”, the country of Mesopotamia, and Yemen, which is still south and “north,” and then Umar al-Mukhtar and Idris al-Senussi   Libya, , which Gaddafi transformed into a “Jamahiriya,” and that Jamahiriya turned into republics, some of which were inherited by a person named Fayez al-Sarraj.

Of course, as usual, there are those who say: “Be optimistic about the good, you will find it,”. Throughout our Arab history there are those who used to repeat this saying and cite those phases of history which had the ugly and beautiful. In the (pre-Islamic era) Arabs at the time of darkness and ignorance, Jassas killed his cousin in response to a cry of an old woman specialized in stirring up sedition. Descendants’ horses of those same Arabs have reached the Great Wall of China and Andalusia, thanks to the great Islam that has carried them to the four parts of the globe. Therefore, there are those in this nation who began to restore Arab history to its beautiful periods.

Al Jundi

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