DRAILER.. A Breakthrough in Autonomous Military Vehicles

Modern armies worldwide are increasingly focused on updating and refining their operational methods and reorganising their forces with advanced equipment and specialised teams.

As military operations evolve rapidly, defence forces must keep pace with technological advancements to achieve their diverse mission objectives.

In response to the needs of modern militaries, particularly in the field of autonomous vehicles, defence companies are engaged in a fierce race to innovate.

DRAILER: A Milestone in Rapidly Advancing Military Technology

In this context, the French company ARQUUS has emerged as a prominent player, significantly contributing to the production of various vehicles, notably the DRAILER robotic vehicle. This vehicle represents a significant leap forward in autonomous military robotics, meeting numerous requirements of advanced militaries.

ARQUUS, a global leader in the development of advanced defence vehicles, has established a distinguished reputation for equipping armed forces worldwide with cutting-edge military vehicles.

The unveiling of the DRAILER marks a pivotal moment in the rapidly evolving landscape of military technology. This robot promises to enhance military operations with unprecedented levels of efficiency and safety, signifying not just a new innovation but a fundamental shift in executing military operations.

Technological Leap

The DRAILER embodies the pinnacle of advanced robotics technology, artificial intelligence, and modern engineering. Designed by ARQUUS to perform a wide range of tasks without human intervention, it spans from logistical operations and reconnaissance to direct support in combat scenarios. Unlike many previous models, which were often limited to specific roles, the DRAILER is designed to adapt to various mission requirements, making it a valuable tool in diverse operational contexts.

Equipped with state-of-the-art sensors and communication systems, the DRAILER navigates complex environments with minimal human input. Its AI-driven algorithms enable real-time decision-making, enhancing its effectiveness in unexpected situations. Additionally, its robust communication networks ensure seamless integration within a broader tactical framework, coordinating with other units and systems to achieve objectives.

Enhancing Operational Efficiency

One of the primary benefits of the DRAILER is its ability to boost the efficiency of traditional military operations, which often require substantial logistical support that consumes time and resources. With its advanced autonomous capabilities, the DRAILER can undertake numerous tasks, allowing operators to focus on more critical roles. This not only streamlines operations but also reduces the risk to soldiers.

For instance, in supply chain management, the DRAILER can independently transport equipment and supplies across challenging terrains, ensuring troops receive necessary resources without the need for convoys vulnerable to hostile attacks.

In reconnaissance missions, the robot can gather and relay real-time intelligence, providing commanders with timely and accurate information without exposing soldiers to danger. This ability to operate autonomously in hazardous environments represents a transformative shift that can save lives and improve mission outcomes.

The DRAILER stands as a testament to the potential of advanced robotics and AI in modern warfare, promising to revolutionise military operations and significantly enhance the capabilities and safety of armed forces worldwide.

A Force Multiplier in Combat

Beyond logistical support, this robot functions as a force multiplier in combat scenarios, capable of being deployed in high-risk areas where human presence is extremely hazardous. Equipped with advanced weaponry and defensive systems, DRAILER can engage in direct combat, providing crucial support to front-line troops. Its precision and reliability in executing complex manoeuvres can significantly impact the outcomes of battles.

Moreover, “DRAILER’s” AI systems are designed to learn and adapt to each mission, continually improving its performance. This capability ensures that the robot remains effective even as tactics and threats evolve. Its ability to analyse situations and respond to new challenges in real time gives DRAILER a strategic advantage, making it an indispensable tool in modern and complex warfare.

Ethical and Strategic Implications

The deployment of autonomous robots like DRAILER raises important ethical and strategic questions. As machines assume more effective roles in military operations, it is crucial to establish clear guidelines and protocols governing their use. The potential for misuse or unintended consequences cannot be overlooked. For instance, ensuring that AI-driven systems adhere to the rules of engagement and international law is essential to prevent violations and maintain ethical standards in warfare.

Strategically, integrating autonomous robots into military forces can alter the global balance of power. Nations investing in advanced robotics technology may gain a significant strategic advantage, reshaping military strategies and alliances. This underscores the importance of international dialogue and cooperation to address the challenges and opportunities these technologies present.

The Future of Military Robotics

ARQUUS’s innovation with DRAILER marks the beginning of a new phase in the development of military robots, where autonomous systems play central roles in support and combat missions. As these technologies continue to evolve, we can expect to see more sophisticated and capable robots on the battlefield. The future combat environment will likely feature a blend of human and robotic forces working together to achieve strategic objectives.

Moreover, DRAILER represents a significant step forward in enhancing military operations, promising increased efficiency, strength, and reduced risks in battles and wars. However, as we adopt these innovations, it is essential to carefully consider their ethical and strategic implications.

The future of warfare is being shaped today, and DRAILER stands at the forefront of this transformation, with the integration and regulation of these technologies playing a crucial role in determining their impact on global security and the nature of future conflicts.

A Multifunctional Powerhouse

At the heart of “DRAILER’s” design is a four-wheel-drive platform capable of being deployed for various tasks, ranging from infantry support to engineering missions, electronic warfare, counter-drone operations, and short-range ground missions.

Additionally, DRAILER features a hybrid electric/diesel propulsion system that ensures silent movement, a critical advantage for stealth operations. This advanced robot boasts autonomous driving capabilities across diverse operational fields, providing continuous support without the need for constant refuelling or recharging, making it a reliable companion in the field. Its adaptability to various payloads while maintaining high operational capabilities makes DRAILER an essential asset in modern military operations.

Key Features and Capabilities

The DRAILER’s impressive array of features sets it apart from other robotic platforms. Here are some of the standout capabilities that make it an invaluable asset on the battlefield:

Mobility and Agility: With all-wheel drive and steering, the DRAILER offers exceptional mobility. It can manoeuvre through challenging terrains with ease, thanks to its independent suspension system that allows it to tackle slopes of up to 60% and side slopes of 30%.

High Speed and Towability: The DRAILER can be towed at speeds up to 90 km/h and teleoperated up to 40 km/h, making it highly operational in high-intensity theatres. This capability ensures that it can keep up with rapid deployments and movements required in dynamic combat situations.

Long-Lasting Power: The hybrid system includes a 14kWh battery and a diesel generator, allowing the DRAILER to operate continuously for 200 km at 20 km/h or remain on standby for 24 hours. This endurance ensures that it can support extended missions without interruption.

Modular Flatbed Design: The DRAILER’s flatbed format is designed to transport heavy equipment with a payload capacity of 700 kg. This modularity allows it to carry various types of cargo, from ammunition and supplies to specialized equipment.

Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) Teleoperation: The DRAILER can be teleoperated from a distance of up to 2 km, providing operators with the ability to control it from a safe distance, enhancing both safety and strategic flexibility.

Infantry Support Version: this version of the DRAILER robot is equipped with a teleoperated HORNET 12.7 mm turret, highlighting its capability to provide direct fire support to infantry units, further underscoring its role as a force multiplier on the battlefield.



Type: Robot 4×4

GVW: 1.7 T

Payload: 700 kg

Engine power: 100 hp

– Diesel fuel range extender (x2)

– 14 KWh li-ion battery

– BLOS remote operation up to 2 km

– Cybersecurity for components

– RCWS 12.7 mm

– Ammunition boxes

– Anti-tank rocket


Max towed speed: 90km/h

Maximum off-road speed: 40 km/h

Gradient: 60%

Side Slope: 30%

By: Ikram Ben dalla (Military Affairs Specialist)

Al Jundi

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