Could‭ ‬Laser Weapons Change the Battlefield‭?‬

Many countries have recently intensified their research in laser weapons production‭. ‬In January 2024‭, ‬the British Ministry of Defence announced the success of the‭ “‬Dragonfire‭” ‬air defence system in firing a laser beam that successfully shot down an aerial‭ ‬target‭. ‬

This comes after the United States began deploying laser weapons on its naval destroyers‭. ‬Moreover‭, ‬it is experimenting with ground and air laser systems‭, ‬even though this technology has not yet matured to a fully operational level‭.‬

Similarly‭, ‬Israel set out to develop a laser-operated Iron Dome following the October 7th Hamas attack‭, ‬especially after its traditional Iron Dome was repeatedly breached by rockets from Hamas and Hezbollah‭. ‬

Furthermore‭, ‬efforts to develop laser air defence systems are not limited to states but research and development extended to military vehicles as well‭. ‬

Australia’s 2020‭ ‬Force Structure Plan called for the development of a directed-energy weapon system‭ “‬capable of defeating armoured vehicles‭, ‬including main battle tanks‭.” ‬

Energy weapons can damage the delicate electronics controlling these devices and their operators‭, ‬or melt or burn their critical‭ ‬parts‭.‬

An Old Dream Revisited

Before detailing the history of laser weapons in the military‭, ‬it is essential to note that they are a type of‭ “‬directed-energy‭ ‬weapon‭,” ‬defined by the US Navy as‭ “‬electromagnetic systems capable of converting chemical or electrical energy into radiated energy and focusing it on a target‭, ‬causing physical damage that results in degradation‭, ‬neutralisation‭, ‬defeat‭, ‬or destruction of‭ ‬enemy capabilities‭.” ‬

Directed-energy weapons take three forms‭: ‬laser beams‭, ‬high-frequency radio waves‭, ‬or microwaves‭.‬

The United States‭’ ‬interest in laser weapons dates back to the 1960s‭, ‬from the moment the first device capable of emitting a laser beam was manufactured‭. ‬The US Army contracted with the‭ “‬Technical Research Group‭” ‬to produce a laser for military uses‭. ‬

The army’s enthusiasm was so great that when the company requested around‭ $‬300,000‭ ‬for research‭, ‬the army granted it nearly‭ $‬1‭ ‬million‭, ‬about three times what the company requested‭. ‬

Subsequently‭, ‬various branches of the US Army‭, ‬particularly the land‭, ‬naval‭, ‬and air forces‭, ‬contracted with different companies‭ ‬to develop a laser weapon‭. ‬By 1962‭, ‬the US Army was spending around‭ $‬50‭ ‬million annually on the development of laser weapons‭. ‬

However‭, ‬at that time‭, ‬lasers could not produce sufficient energy to make a weapon suitable for military purposes and by 1968‭, ‬some experts concluded that their projects had reached a dead end‭. ‬

In the 1970s‭, ‬the US Army obtained a‭ “‬short-range offensive laser weapon‭” ‬that could blind enemy pilots‭, ‬soldiers‭, ‬and optical sensors from about a mile away‭. ‬

The US Army continued developing such a weapon throughout the 1980s‭, ‬but it was viewed as unethical because it increased human suffering for limited military benefits‭. ‬

By 1995‭, ‬before such a weapon could be used in combat operations‭, ‬the United Nations adopted the protocol on blinding laser weapons‭, ‬known as Protocol IV of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons‭ (‬CCW‭) ‬of 1980‭, ‬which bans the use of blinding laser‭ ‬weapons in wars and regulates their transfer to any state or non-state actor‭. ‬

The protocol came into effect in 1998‭, ‬with China and Russia joining in 1998‭ ‬and 1999‭, ‬respectively‭. ‬The United States did not join the protocol until 2007‭, ‬fearing that enemy states might use such technology against its forces‭.‬

In the 1980s‭, ‬research on directed-energy weapons intensified with the establishment of Ronald Reagan’s Strategic Defence Initiative‭. ‬Reagan’s interest in anti-ballistic missile technology dates back to 1967‭ ‬when he visited physicist Edward Teller at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory‭. ‬

Teller claimed that lasers could be used to intercept any missile carrying a nuclear warhead‭. ‬Reagan’s initiative‭, ‬known in the‭ ‬media as‭ “‬Star Wars‭,” ‬aimed to deploy laser weapons in outer space to shoot down nuclear missiles‭. ‬Ultimately‭, ‬this endeavour failed after significant effort and expenditure‭.‬

The US Army eventually used low-energy laser beams to guide missiles to their targets and as range-finding devices on its tanks‭,‬‭ ‬as seen in the First Gulf War‭. ‬By 2006‭, ‬the US Army also used low-energy laser beams to cause temporary blindness to opposing forces in Iraq‭. ‬

In 2014‭, ‬the US Navy installed the first-ever laser weapon system on the USS Ponce to field-test it‭. ‬After three months of testing in the Arabian Gulf‭, ‬the Navy reported that the system worked perfectly against low-level threats such as small boats and drones‭. ‬Following these tests‭, ‬the Navy authorised the Ponce’s captain to use the system‭, ‬a 30-kilowatt laser‭, ‬as a defensive weapon‭. ‬

In February 2024‭, ‬the US Army installed a 50-kilowatt laser weapon on a Stryker combat vehicle‭, ‬deploying four systems to test them on the Middle East battlefield‭. ‬

Moreover‭, ‬the US Navy deployed high-energy lasers on ships to defend against fast-moving small boats‭, ‬missiles‭, ‬and drones‭. ‬The‭ ‬Air Force is working on developing high-energy laser weapons on aircraft for defensive and offensive missions‭. ‬

In 2010‭, ‬the Air Force tested a megawatt laser mounted on a modified Boeing 747‭, ‬hitting a ballistic missile during its launch‭. ‬

Furthermore‭, ‬the US Air Force is developing smaller weapon systems for fighter jets‭. ‬Meanwhile‭, ‬Russia is reportedly developing‭ ‬a high-energy ground-based laser to‭ “‬blind‭” ‬its adversaries‭’ ‬satellites‭.‬

Advantages of Laser Weapons

Laser weapons boast numerous advantages that could revolutionise the battlefield‭, ‬with the most prominent being‭:‬

Ease of Targeting‭: ‬Laser weapons are unaffected by gravity‭, ‬unlike missiles and bullets‭, ‬allowing them to travel in a straight line‭. ‬This simplifies aiming and increases accuracy‭.‬

Limited Collateral Damage‭: ‬Laser weapons cause damage by heating the targeted area‭, ‬reducing the risk of collateral damage to nearby objects‭. ‬Unlike air defence missiles‭, ‬which can veer off course and harm civilians‭, ‬such errors are less likely with laser‭ ‬weapons‭.‬

High Speed‭: ‬Electromagnetic waves travel at the speed of light‭, ‬making them much faster than even the quickest conventional weapons‭. ‬For instance‭, ‬a hypersonic missile travelling at 10‭ ‬times the speed of sound towards a target 10‭ ‬kilometres away would cover only about 10‭ ‬centimetres by the time a laser weapon strikes its target‭.‬

Low Cost‭: ‬The British‭ “‬Dragonfire‭” ‬weapon successfully shot down a drone with a laser beam costing only‭ ‬£13‭ ‬per shot‭. ‬This is extremely low compared to conventional air defence systems‭, ‬such as the American Patriot system‭, ‬where a single interceptor missile costs between‭ $‬2-4‭ ‬million‭. ‬

In contrast‭, ‬drones are relatively inexpensive‭, ‬costing about a couple of thousand dollars‭. ‬Russia employs tactics to deplete Ukrainian air defence systems by launching numerous drones and ballistic and cruise missiles like the Iskander-M and KH-22‭, ‬overwhelming these defences‭. ‬Developing laser air defence systems could help address this challenge‭.‬

Practical Challenges

Several factors make developing effective laser weapons difficult in the near term‭:‬

Existing Technological Lag‭: ‬The US Department of Defence estimates that a minimum of 1‭ ‬megawatt‭ (‬1000‭ ‬kilowatts‭) ‬of laser power‭ ‬is needed‭, ‬over three times the output of the most advanced current tactical laser system‭, ‬to prevent a hypersonic missile from‭ ‬reaching its target‭. ‬

Additionally‭, ‬laser penetration of a hypersonic missile’s front is challenging‭, ‬given these missiles are designed to endure temperatures exceeding 1700‭ ‬degrees‭. ‬Developing stronger missile shields that can withstand more heat is cheaper than producing higher-energy lasers‭. ‬As laser air defence systems become more common‭, ‬hypersonic missiles with more heat-resistant shields could be‭ ‬developed‭, ‬reducing their vulnerability to these lasers‭.‬

Disruptive Atmospheric Effects‭:  ‬The misconception that laser beams travel endlessly through space is incorrect‭, ‬as they scatter‭ ‬due to factors like water vapour‭, ‬sand‭, ‬salt‭, ‬smoke‭, ‬air pollution‭, ‬and other atmospheric materials‭. ‬The atmosphere can also absorb‭, ‬scatter‭, ‬or disturb the beam‭, ‬potentially causing it to miss the target‭. ‬

This scattering significantly impacts laser effectiveness‭, ‬with the Pentagon currently viewing its effective range as less than‭ ‬a mile‭. ‬Even the most optimistic future estimates predict a range under five miles‭.‬

Need for Several Seconds‭: ‬Laser weapons with around 300‭ ‬kilowatts can burn through the side of a cruise missile in flight to destroy or deflect it‭. ‬However‭, ‬the laser beam must be focused precisely on the same spot on the missile for several seconds‭. ‬In 2020‭, ‬it took about 15‭ ‬seconds for a 150-kilowatt laser weapon to destroy a drone‭. ‬This requirement might cause the laser to fail‭ ‬in destroying a cruise missile‭, ‬as such missiles do not follow a fixed path and can change direction rapidly‭.‬

High Energy Requirements‭: ‬A primary challenge for militaries using high-energy lasers is the substantial power needed to create‭ ‬destructive effects from a distance‭. ‬Unlike industrial lasers that might be inches from their targets‭, ‬military operations involve much greater distances‭, ‬necessitating hundreds of kilowatts of power in the laser beam‭. ‬The smallest laser weapon prototype consumes 10‭ ‬kilowatts of power‭, ‬comparable to an electric car‭. ‬The latest high-energy laser weapon under development draws around‭ ‬300‭ ‬kilowatts‭, ‬enough to power 30‭ ‬homes‭. ‬

High-energy lasers currently have a maximum efficiency of 50%‭, ‬generating significant waste heat that must be managed‭. ‬This means high-energy laser systems require substantial infrastructure for power generation and laser cooling‭, ‬limiting their deployment‭ ‬on various military platforms‭. ‬

Military trucks or fighter jets‭, ‬for example‭, ‬cannot carry high-energy laser weapons‭, ‬which can only be housed on larger ships or aircraft‭, ‬on the other hand‭, ‬ground-based fixed systems can easily accommodate high-energy laser weapons‭.‬

Conversely‭, ‬deploying laser weapons in outer space remains improbable for now‭, ‬limited by four factors‭. ‬Firstly‭, ‬vast outer space distances mean even a fractional degree error in firing a space-based laser could result in a miss by thousands of kilometres‭.‬‭ ‬

Secondly‭, ‬space travel involves speeds tremendous by Earth standards‭, ‬with geostationary satellites moving at 3.07‭ ‬km/s and low‭ ‬Earth orbit objects reaching up to 8‭ ‬km/s‭, ‬complicating laser targeting‭. ‬

Thirdly‭, ‬despite large distances‭, ‬targets remain relatively small‭. ‬The International Space Station‭, ‬the largest artificial object in orbit‭, ‬is just over 100‭ ‬meters long‭, ‬with other satellites being much smaller‭, ‬like the Quickbird satellite at only 3.04‭ ‬meters‭. ‬Fourthly‭, ‬any laser weapon would require vast amounts of electricity‭.‬

Currently‭, ‬the most practical batteries are lithium‭, ‬and electricity generation in space is primarily through photovoltaic units‭ ‬with a 30%‭ ‬efficiency or limited fuel cells‭. ‬

Thus‭, ‬present technology may not be feasible for powering effective space-based lasers‭. ‬President Reagan’s‭ “‬Strategic Defense Initiative‭” ‬attempted to address this through the‭ “‬Excalibur‭” ‬project‭, ‬aimed at producing space-based X-ray lasers via nuclear explosions‭, ‬but it was ultimately cancelled in 1992‭ ‬due to lack of success‭.‬


In summary‭, ‬low-energy laser weapons are the most feasible current technology‭, ‬effective in downing drones or small flying objects‭, ‬provided ideal weather conditions like dry climates‭. ‬Intercepting larger targets‭, ‬such as hypersonic and ballistic missiles‭ ‬or fighter jets‭, ‬requires high-energy laser devices still in development‭, ‬whose effectiveness remains theoretically debated‭. ‬Thus‭, ‬it will take time for this technology to mature and prove its efficacy‭. ‬Moreover‭, ‬space-based laser weapon deployment remains‭ ‬highly improbable due to the current inability to generate sufficient power in space‭. ‬

By‭: ‬Dr‭. ‬Shadi Abdelwahab‭, ‬Associate Professor at the National Defence College

Al Jundi

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