Sniping in War One Shot‭, ‬One Kill

In the 2001‭ ‬film‭ ‬“Enemy at the Gates”‭, ‬set during the Battle of Stalingrad in World War II‭, ‬the story revolves around Russian soldier Vasily Zaitsev‭, ‬a skilled sniper who inflicted heavy losses on the German forces by eliminating many of their commanders‭. ‬In response‭, ‬the Germans deployed their top sniper‭, ‬Major König‭, ‬to hunt Zaitsev‭. ‬The film showcases a tense duel between the two‭, ‬where both snipers attempt to outmanoeuvre each other in a deadly game of cat and mouse‭.‬

For many‭, ‬the word‭ “‬sniper‭” ‬conjures unsettling images‭: ‬a lone gunman‭, ‬undetectable‭, ‬waiting for the perfect moment to strike‭. ‬Military snipers are indeed elite marksmen who hide‭, ‬select a target through their scopes‭, ‬and pull the trigger‭. ‬However‭, ‬there’s much more to the role‭. ‬Before firing‭, ‬a sniper must account for countless variables‭, ‬including wind speed‭, ‬wind direction‭, ‬range‭, ‬target movement‭, ‬shadows‭, ‬light sources‭, ‬temperature‭, ‬and atmospheric pressure—this is just the beginning‭.‬

A sniper is a highly trained military marksman who engages targets from concealed positions or distances beyond ordinary detection‭. ‬In modern armies‭, ‬snipers receive specialised training and are equipped with precision rifles and high-magnification optics‭.‬‭ ‬Beyond long-range shooting‭, ‬they are trained in various special operations techniques‭: ‬reconnaissance‭, ‬tracking‭, ‬range estimation‭, ‬camouflage‭, ‬fieldcraft‭, ‬infiltration‭, ‬and target acquisition‭. ‬Snipers often act as reconnaissance operatives‭, ‬feeding tactical information back to their units or command centres‭.‬

Snipers must have complete control over their bodies and senses to remain effective‭, ‬using a wide array of skills to interpret data within their scope and make precise adjustments to hit distant targets‭. ‬They are trained with charts that allow them to make‭ ‬last-minute calculations in the field‭, ‬ensuring they can execute their mission with accuracy and efficiency‭.‬

The Evolution of Sniping‭: ‬Precision from a Distance

The concept of a sniper targeting and eliminating an enemy with a single shot emerged with the development of rifles‭. ‬However‭, ‬the modern image of snipers truly took shape at the end of the 19th century‭, ‬with advancements in smokeless gunpowder technology‭.‬‭ ‬

This innovation allowed snipers to fire without revealing their position through gun smoke‭. ‬Additionally‭, ‬the introduction of nickel-plated bullets significantly increased speed and accuracy‭. ‬With the development of telescopic sights in Germany‭, ‬the role of specialised snipers became established‭, ‬especially as World War I loomed‭.‬

As technology advanced‭, ‬so did sniping tactics‭, ‬making snipers deadlier and more capable of hitting targets from ever greater distances‭. ‬Today‭, ‬snipers are a critical component of any modern fighting force‭, ‬but it took time for the military to embrace their importance fully‭. ‬

One key driver behind the rise of sniping’s effectiveness has been the continual improvement of optical technology‭.‬

When World War I broke out in August 1914‭, ‬new weapons and tactics were urgently needed‭. ‬Tanks‭, ‬machine guns‭, ‬and chemical weapons were among the deadly innovations of the time‭. ‬Although marksmen and sharpshooters had been deployed in previous wars‭, ‬the conflict saw the introduction of rifles equipped with telescopic sights‭, ‬making snipers some of the most feared combatants on the‭ ‬battlefield‭. ‬

Germany was the first to outfit some of its soldiers with these rifles‭, ‬allowing them to accurately shoot from extreme distances‭. ‬While sniper regiments were not a new concept‭, ‬the addition of long-range scopes gave the German snipers a distinct advantage‭.‬‭ ‬

Initially‭, ‬Allied forces were unaware of this development‭. ‬When German snipers began taking lives from what seemed like impossible distances‭, ‬French and British soldiers attributed it to extraordinary marksmanship until they discovered scoped rifles in captured German positions‭.‬

In response‭, ‬the British quickly began adopting similar tactics‭, ‬but the Germans maintained their edge due to the scale of deployment‭. ‬German snipers operated largely as individual units‭, ‬focusing on camouflage and concealment‭. ‬The main rifles used by snipers at the time included the British Enfield 1914‭, ‬the German Mauser Gewehr 98‭, ‬and the American M1903‭ ‬Springfield‭.‬

By 1915‭, ‬with Germany’s sniper superiority becoming clear‭, ‬the British established their first official Sniping‭, ‬Observation‭, ‬and Scouting School‭, ‬led by Major Hesketh-Prichard‭. ‬Though too old to fight directly‭, ‬Hesketh-Prichard was sent to the Western Front as an eyewitness officer‭. ‬Horrified by the British forces‭’ ‬poor preparation against German snipers‭, ‬he found that it was common for British regiments to lose five men a day to sniper fire‭. ‬He quickly set about purchasing high-quality telescopic sights from England and began conducting research and trials‭. ‬By 1915‭, ‬he had permission to formally begin training British snipers‭. ‬As‭ ‬sniping became an everyday reality in trench warfare‭, ‬soldiers on both sides developed countermeasures‭. ‬One notable technique involved creating a paper or dummy head that soldiers would raise above the trench line to draw sniper fire‭. ‬Once the enemy sniper‭ ‬shot at the dummy‭, ‬soldiers would estimate their position based on the bullet holes and direct artillery fire toward the sniper’s location to either eliminate or push back the sniper‭.‬

This tactic was developed by the British but was widely used by many countries during the war‭.‬

By World War II‭, ‬advances in weapons technology‭, ‬including telescopic sights‭, ‬had dramatically improved‭. ‬Almost every fighting force recognised the value of snipers‭, ‬who could precisely eliminate enemies from a distance‭. ‬

World War II introduced a new breed of soldiers—highly trained snipers who could instil fear and take down targets with minimal ammunition‭. ‬Although snipers were initially underestimated‭, ‬their impact on critical battles grew significantly as the war progressed‭, ‬with some major engagements decided by superior sniper tactics‭.‬

In recent years‭, ‬sniper rifles have evolved once more‭, ‬with specialised ammunition and advanced optics becoming standard‭. ‬Modern‭ ‬snipers benefit from laser rangefinders‭, ‬bipods‭, ‬high-magnification scopes‭, ‬and night vision‭, ‬enabling them to take deadly shots at extreme ranges in even the toughest conditions‭. ‬

Despite these technological advancements‭, ‬practice and skill remain the most critical factors in effective sniping‭. ‬No amount of‭ ‬technology can replace the expertise and experience of a skilled sniper‭.‬

Standard‭: ‬One Shot‭, ‬One Kill

For decades‭, ‬snipers have been a dominant force in warfare‭, ‬instilling fear in their enemies by achieving record kills from distances of up to two miles‭. ‬Comparing the number of rounds needed‭, ‬on average to kill one enemy soldier highlights the increasing‭ ‬lethality of snipers‭. ‬During World War II‭, ‬an infantry soldier required 25,000‭ ‬rounds to kill one enemy‭. ‬In the Korean War‭, ‬this‭ ‬figure jumped to 50,000‭. ‬

Infantry rifles such as the M14‭ ‬and M16‭, ‬used in the Vietnam War‭, ‬produced even more misses‭, ‬with an estimated 200,000‭ ‬rounds required to eliminate a single enemy soldier‭. ‬In modern statistics‭, ‬American infantry forces in the Afghanistan War needed about 250,000‭ ‬rounds to kill one combatant‭, ‬while a well-trained sniper needed only 1.3‭ ‬rounds‭.‬

Snipers in wartime engage targets from hidden positions or long distances‭, ‬executing their missions through two primary objectives‭. ‬The first is force multiplication‭, ‬where snipers inflict significant damage through special tactics without direct engagement‭. ‬

The second is interdiction‭, ‬where well-trained snipers can cause casualties‭, ‬disrupt enemy routes‭, ‬and exhaust the enemy’s resources by requiring disproportionate efforts to counter them‭.‬

In battle‭, ‬the primary task of an infantry battalion’s sniper team is to deliver precise‭, ‬long-range fire on selected targets‭. ‬Sniper fire has a profound impact on enemy forces‭, ‬causing injuries‭, ‬slowing movement‭, ‬instilling fear‭, ‬influencing decisions and‭ ‬actions‭, ‬lowering morale‭, ‬and adding confusion to enemy operations‭. ‬

The sniper team’s observation‭, ‬navigation skills‭, ‬and specialised equipment help them monitor terrain and detect changes with precision‭.‬

Changing Tactics‭, ‬Steady Mission

In 1944‭, ‬the US War Department’s Field Manual defined a sniper as‭ “‬an expert rifleman‭, ‬well qualified in observation‭, ‬whose duty‭ ‬is to select and harass and kill key enemy personnel and leaders who expose themselves‭. ‬Thus‭, ‬sniping reduces the enemy’s resistance‭, ‬movement‭, ‬and morale‭.” ‬

This definition remains consistent throughout the broader history of sniping‭, ‬regardless of whether the weapon used is a crossbow or a high-powered rifle with a telescopic sight‭.‬

Different countries apply varying military doctrines regarding snipers‭, ‬their deployment‭, ‬and tactics‭. ‬The primary function of a‭ ‬sniper in modern warfare is to remain concealed at all times and avoid detection‭. ‬From a distance‭, ‬they provide detailed observation from a hidden position‭, ‬and if necessary‭, ‬reduce the enemy’s combat capability by neutralising high-value targets‭ (‬particularly officers and key personnel‭), ‬creating disruption‭, ‬immobilising‭, ‬and demoralising the enemy‭.‬

Typical sniper missions include managing the intelligence gathered during reconnaissance‭, ‬identifying targets‭, ‬providing feedback on the effects of air and artillery strikes‭, ‬aiding combat forces with precise fire support and anti-sniper tactics‭, ‬eliminating enemy leaders‭, ‬selecting opportunity targets‭, ‬and even destroying military equipment‭. ‬The sniper’s role has remained consistent throughout history—gathering battlefield intelligence and delivering precise fire on key targets‭. ‬However‭, ‬in modern battlefields‭, ‬sniper teams or‭ ‬cells must adapt to ever-changing operational environments‭.‬

Traditional sniper teams consisted of two men—the shooter and the spotter‭. ‬To address evolving threats and operational conditions‭, ‬modern sniper teams now operate in formations of four to six men‭. ‬This allows them to engage in more complex operations with better survivability‭, ‬covering larger rural and urban environments and maintaining a target for longer periods‭. ‬

Typically‭, ‬sniper teams work in pairs‭, ‬with one member determining the target and calculating wind direction and speed‭, ‬while the other fires‭. ‬When a sniper operates alone‭, ‬they rely on stealth and concealment to complete their mission‭. ‬

In the modern era‭, ‬scout snipers typically work in teams of four to eight men‭, ‬including the shooter‭, ‬scout‭, ‬radio operator‭, ‬and‭ ‬additional forces for security‭. ‬According to Australian Army sniper instructor Celso Perez‭, “‬The qualities needed when selecting a soldier to become a sniper in the Australian Army are intelligence‭, ‬creativity‭, ‬and high-level thinking abilities‭, ‬which are‭ ‬essential for working successfully in a sniper cell‭.” ‬

He adds that a sniper in the Australian infantry is an adaptable soldier armed with high technical‭, ‬tactical‭, ‬and logistical skills to carry out their mission‭.‬

Being a sniper is not just about being an excellent marksman‭, ‬though that is crucial‭. ‬In operational conditions‭, ‬a sniper must also overcome various mental challenges‭, ‬such as sleep deprivation‭, ‬and maintain discipline throughout the mission‭. ‬A mental breakdown in the field could jeopardise the mission‭, ‬and making mistakes due to haste is unacceptable and often fatal while a moment‭ ‬of hyperactivity could just as easily lead to death‭.‬

The Future of Sniping

The new era of warfare‭, ‬as seen in Ukraine and other conflicts‭, ‬does not place the same emphasis on snipers as in previous wars‭.‬‭ ‬Armed drones and advanced technology are capturing the attention of armies at the expense of trained snipers‭, ‬who are increasingly being replaced by new developments‭. ‬

The US Marine Corps‭, ‬a long-time leader in this field‭, ‬has radically restructured its approach to sniping and reduced its importance‭. ‬This seems to signal the beginning of a global trend‭. ‬However‭, ‬snipers still have their uses and are capable of adapting to new forms of warfare‭, ‬just as they have done in the past‭. ‬

To survive the onset of a new age of combat‭, ‬the methods of snipers must change‭, ‬even if the objective remains the same‭.‬

NATO is attempting to integrate snipers into its missions‭, ‬but it is not yet clear how effectively the alliance will be able to‭ ‬sustain and adapt sniper use in the new era of warfare‭. ‬The countries that make up NATO are focusing on the war in Ukraine‭, ‬which is perhaps the most pivotal testing ground for new tactics and technologies‭, ‬but has so far seen limited use of sniping‭. ‬

While NATO primarily operates on a strategic level rather than a tactical one‭, ‬making it unlikely to play a direct role in enhancing sniping‭, ‬its member allies can develop sniper programmes within their shared network and objectives‭. ‬They can also seek innovations and coordinate efforts with other nations‭.‬

Many productive interactions between countries are already taking place‭, ‬including joint training‭, ‬knowledge exchange‭, ‬and annual competitions that encourage friendly competition and exceptional training‭. ‬

It is hoped that this cooperation will expand further and that effective adjustments will be implemented quickly to maximise the‭ ‬potential of snipers in the future‭.‬●

‮»‬‭ ‬By‭: ‬Retired Colonel Eng‭. ‬Khaled Al-Ananzah‭ (‬Advisor and Trainer in Environmental and Occupational Safety‭)‬

Al Jundi

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